* Easter Sunrise Service at (tbd) on 3/31/2024.


St. Peter Lutheran Church
2929 F.M 972 (at F.M. 1105)
Walburg, Texas 78626

Office: (512) 863-5600
Worship Services - each Sunday 10:15 a.m.
Holy Communion - 1st & 3rd Sundays

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Home Services News & Calendars Missions & Giving About Us Find & Contact Us


Last Updated:
Jun. 30, 2024

St. Peter Lutheran Church at Walburg, Texas
2024 - All Rights Reserved

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ Texas District

LADIES AID Meeting: Tuesday,  July 2, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
(Diane W will share the July devotion.)

Please join us for our regular meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. Then, feel free to stay for Golden Oldies pot-luck lunch and Mexican Train dominoes. Great food and lots of fun!

At our June meeting, Mary B led the devotion and a prayer based upon “The World We Live In”. We discussed Christmas in July and will finalize our plans at our July meeting.

Kathy B reported that the quilters have completed 41 quilts this year for LWR. They have a table topper and some small quilts for the Cross Trails Ministry Fall Festival Quilt Show & Auction on September 21 at the Fredericksburg Marketplatz.

The St. Peter quilters invite you to bring a lunch and join them any Thursday in July (except July 4) from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. for quilting, sharing stories, fellowship, and laughter.  You can select, iron or cut fabric, sew, tie, hand quilt, or sit and visit with the quilters. Please join us / them.

The Ladies Aid June benevolence went to BIG. We discussed our trip to the Brookwood in Georgetown (BIG) facility on June 12. It was educational and inspiring. The citizens are grouped for different activities every morning and afternoon. We got to see card making, baking and pottery. We met with many participants who shared their favorite activities. We had a great lunch and shopped at the gift shop. And we had a great guide!

Prayer concerns were shared and the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Joyce C won the table runner door prize. Hope to see you at the next meeting and look forward to new projects and adventures in 2024.

News & Event Details from Around the Congregation

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Reminder - St. Peter accepts electronic checks

Many people pay their bills on-line, and would prefer the convenience of electronic banking instead of donating at the collection plate.  For more details about the process, go to the St. Peter website at:


Sunday Worship Services - 10:15 AM

St. Peter Lutheran Church offers in-person worship services and adult Bible classes. Everybody is welcome to join us, but we urge anybody who is not feeling well to stay home. The planned service schedules can be found on the SERVICES page on this website. Recorded versions are also available on YouTube. We hope to see you soon!

                                                 Church Office Hours (Call first at 512-863-5600)

 Church Office Hours:                     Monday - Thursday       9am - 5pm

                                                          We are working on the schedule, so call to confirm who is available.


                                                          Pastor’s Day Off is Friday.                                               

Golden Oldies Meet at Noon on 1st Tuesday each Month
Next Meeting on Tuesday,  July 2, 2024 at Noon

The Golden Oldies meet on the first Tuesday of each month (except holidays), at noon. Join us for a potluck lunch followed by Mexican Train dominoes. Invite your family and friends to join us.  


Fellowship Committee

Next Council Meeting will be Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Notes from the June 11 Council meeting: The meeting opened with a devotion, a prayer and prayer concerns.

Pastor Phil: Douglas Mueller’s funeral will be at St. Peter on Saturday, 6/29/24 at 10am, with fellowship to follow at the Mueller home.

Treasurer’s Report: Leonard reported strong May net income was negative $2,008 after a strong April. Benevolences paid in May included the LCMC and the Boys & Girls Club of Georgetown.  

Fellowship Committee: VBS is progressing toward the Aug 6, 7 & 8 event.

Outreach Committee: Kevin & Pastor Phil passed out water bottles at the San Gabriel Park and spoke with about 40 people.

Faith Formation: Pastor currently has two people attending a new members class.

Worship Committee: Candy bars will be passed out to dads on Father’s Day. Substitute organists are lined up for Carol’s vacation dates. Hymns were selected through August, so no meeting in July.

Property Committee: Lawn crew is doing a good job; cemetery was mowed. Will investigate a loose door hinge at the Ed Bldg.

Old Business:

*  Council approved $100 to print 3,000 attendance cards.

*  Parsonage electrical work is complete. The structure now needs to be leveled.

*  Georgetown Audio will check our sound system.

*  Elaine volunteered to update our phone directory.

*  Diane volunteered to update the record book for baptisms, confirmations, weddings and funerals.

  New Business:

* Approved Pastor Phil’s vacation request for July 16-24.

  Other Items:

            * Reminder about the LCMC Texas District Annual Gathering on July 26-27 at Zion Lutheran in Kerrville, Texas

            * Reminder about the 2024 LCMC National Gathering on September 29 - Oct 2 at St. Mark’s in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Worship Committee Meets Next on Tues. August 13 at 5 p.m.

The Worship Committee met on Tuesday, June 11 to discuss worship concerns for the summer months.

1. Hymns were chosen through August 25.

2. Organist Carol T requested time-off with a list of dates when alternate music will be needed. The committee approved the request and will be contacting substitutes for these dates. We wish Carol a joyful vacation.

3. Contact Pastor Phil if you wish to join St. Peter or know others who are interested. He will begin another class when several prospective members come forward.

4. We are looking for your favorite Gospel hymns. If you have a favorite that is not in either the SOS or the LBW books, let any committee member know. They will ask if Juanita can play it; then we will try to find a licensed copy of the music for future services.

The next Worship Committee meeting will be Tuesday, August 13, at 5:00 PM. If you would like to participate in planning services for St. Peter, please join us.

Fellowship Committee & News

Watch the Bulletins for Our July Meeting

** Next Fellowship & 2024 Summer Vacation Bible School Meeting - Join us on Thursday, July 9, at 9:00 a.m. to make final plans for our VBS on August 6, 7 & 8 and to complete background checks for all participants. Please talk to Elaine if you are interested in helping.

** VBS Set-up - Helpers wanted at about 9:00 a.m. on Monday, August 5. Contact Elaine for specific needs.

** Beat the Heat Indoor Picnic - Join us on Sunday, July 14 following worship service. We’ll have hanburgers hot off the grill. We ask the congregation to bring side dishes OR desserts. We will have plenty of activities following the meal.

** Picnic Set-up - Helpers wanted at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 12 to set-up tables and equipment for the picnic.

** Hamburger Fundraiser Report - St. Peter hosted a Hamburger Fundraiser on June 22.  Thank You to all who helped or joined us at the event. With your purchases of burgers and items from our Country Store, we raised over $3,000! Volunteers and participants pulled together to make it a great success with lots of laughter and visiting. Special thanks all the cooks, grillers, bakers, servers, store workers, set-up & clean-up crews. Thank You to Kathy B for organizing the event and to Thrivent Financial for providing seed money. Thank you again and God’s Blessings to all.

  St. Peter Quilters meet each Thursday (except holidays) from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Join the St. Peter Quilters. Bring a lunch. They meet on Thursdays  from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Except for holidays)

Ladies Dominos  - Tuesday, July 19 at 1:00 pm

     LADIES DOMINOS is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, at 1:00 pm. We play Mexican Train. Please invite family and friends. If you do not know how to play we love to train people. See you there. Karen D & Elaine S will host the July event.

Fellowship Committee